Book description
It’s time for a current, definitive JavaScript book, and
in this comprehensive beginner’s guide, bestselling author
Larry Ullman teaches the language as it is implemented today. Larry
demonstrates how to build upon JavaScript’s ease of use,
while demystifying its often-cryptic syntax, especially for those
who have not programmed before. This book enforces modern
JavaScript’s best practices and embraces key Web development
approaches such as progressive enhancement and unobtrusive
scripting. The author demonstrates loads of real-world code and
makes it available for download.
You’ll learn about JavaScript itself and the relationship
between JavaScript and HTML. Next you’ll explore variables,
common operators, and control structures. Then you’ll create
functions, handle events, and do more with HTML forms. You’ll
master Ajax, work with frameworks, and use JavaScript with PHP to
create a complete example. The result is a book that helps you not
just tinker with JavaScript but to thoroughly comprehend it.
This book includes:
Easy step-by-step instruction, ample illustrations, and clear examples
Real-world techniques to build your skills
Insight into best practices from a veteran Web
Emphasis on strategies for creating reliable code that will
work on all of today’s browsers and devices, even those
without JavaScript
Product information
- Title: Modern JavaScript: Develop and Design
- Author(s):
- Release date: February 2012
- Publisher(s): Peachpit Press
- ISBN: 9780132905848
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