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Chapter 4. IBM technologies
supporting real-time
In this chapter we introduce you to several IBM technologies and products that
can be used when developing your real-time enterprise. A number of these
products were used in this redbook project environment. We discuss how they
interact, and their role in a business intelligence environment.
The technologies on which we focus are:
򐂰 DB2 Data Warehouse Edition (data)
򐂰 WebSphere Information Integration (federation and integration)
򐂰 Process Integration (process modeling and monitoring)
򐂰 WebSphere Message Broker (application connectivity)
򐂰 WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus (predominantly Web services-based
򐂰 WebSphere MQ (Application Connectivity)
򐂰 Balanced Configuration Unit
To focus on these solutions, we have organized them according to the IBM brand
and category positioning.

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