Chapter 4. IBM technologies supporting real-time 179
Event publishing is available from DB2 UDB for z/OS; DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX
and Windows; IMS; VSAM; and Computer Associates CA-IDMS sources.
The WebSphere Information Integration products supporting connect capabilities
򐂰 IBM WebSphere Information Integrator Replication Editions
򐂰 IBM WebSphere Information Integrator Event Publisher Editions
򐂰 IBM WebSphere Information Integrator Standard Edition
򐂰 IBM WebSphere Information Integrator Classic Federation for z/OS
4.3.2 WebSphere DataStage
IBM WebSphere DataStage, is a component of IBM WebSphere Information
Integration platform. Whether you are building an enterprise data warehouse to
support the information needs of the entire company, building a real-time data
warehouse, or integrating source systems to support enterprise applications
such as CRM, SCM, and ERP, WebSphere DataStage supports the enterprise
data integration initiatives.
WebSphere DataStage supports the collection, integration and transformation of
high volumes of data, with data structures ranging from simple to highly complex.
WebSphere DataStage can operate in real-time, capturing messages or
extracting data at a moment's notice on the same platform that also integrates
bulk data.
WebSphere DataStage delivers four core capabilities, all of which are necessary
for data transformation within enterprise data integration projects:
1. Connectivity to a wide range of mainframe, earlier or older enterprise
applications, databases, and external information sources to ensure that
critical enterprise data asset can be used.
2. Intrinsic, pre-built library of 300 functions to reduce development time and
learning curves, increasing data accuracy and reliability, and providing
reliable documentation that lowers maintenance costs.
3. Maximum throughput from any hardware investment used in the completion
of bulk tasks within the smallest batch windows, and the highest volumes of
continuous, event-based transformations using a single high-performance
parallel processing architecture.
4. Enterprise-class capabilities for development, deployment, and maintenance
with no hand-coding required; and high-availability platform support to reduce
on-going administration and implementation risk.
180 Moving Forward with the On Demand Real-time Enterprise
WebSphere DataStage is integrated with data profiling and data quality and
cleansing products for scalable enterprise data integration solutions.
WebSphere DataStage can operate in real-time, capturing messages or
extracting data on the same platform that also integrates bulk data. This allows
you to respond to your data integration needs on demand. WebSphere
DataStage transformation topology is depicted in Figure 4-45.
Figure 4-45 Transformation Topology
WebSphere DataStage supports a large number of heterogeneous data sources
and targets in a single job, including:
򐂰 Tex t files.
򐂰 Complex XML data structures.
򐂰 Enterprise application systems including SAP, Siebel, Oracle and PeopleSoft.
򐂰 Almost any database, including partitioned databases such as Oracle, IBM
DB2 Universal Database (with and without the Data Partitioning Feature),
IBM Informix, Sybase, Teradata, and Microsoft SQL Server.
򐂰 Web services.
򐂰 SAS.
򐂰 Messaging and enterprise application integration products including
WebSphere MQ and SeeBeyond.
Development environment
WebSphere DataStage employs a work as you think design metaphor.
Developers use a top-down dataflow model of application programming and
execution, which allows them to create a visual sequential data flow. A graphical
Order Entry
Billing and
External Lists
Business Activity
Supply Chain
Master Data
WebSphere DataStage Client
WebSphere DataStage Server

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