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Chapter 7. The case study
In this chapter we describe a case study for a real-time enterprise. We developed
this case study with a number of IBM products and technologies. The
technologies used are all described in more detail in other chapters of this
redbook. In this chapter we put them into action.
The products and technologies used represent significant capabilities. We
highlight and use some of those capabilities, but certainly not all of them. That
would be well beyond the scope of this redbook.
So we focus only on a subset of the capabilities, but that itself is significant. In
this case study, we demonstrate how a real-time enterprise enables us to
proactively meet the goals and business measurements of our enterprise. It
includes the use of real-time data, to perform right-time business intelligence, for
recognition and resolution of issues that could prevent the attainment of our
business goals. It is a real-time closed-loop environment that is the business
It is this proactive nature of problem prevention and avoidance that enables the
optimization of business resources and attainment of the business
measurements and goals.

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