© Alan Thorn 2020
A. ThornMoving from Unity to Godothttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5908-5_6

6. Coding a First-Person Controller in C#

Alan Thorn1 
High Wycombe, UK
Unlike Unity, Godot doesn’t ship with any built-in character controllers, neither third-person nor first-person. So, in this chapter, we’ll create a reusable first-person controller rig from start to end in C# for Godot. Once created, we’ll be able to drag and drop first-person controls directly into any scene. The WASD keyboard keys will move the camera forward, left, backward, and right, respectively. Holding down the Shift key enables run mode and the space bar initiates a jump. Mouse movement will control head orientation, and the first-person controller overall will support ...

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