
Add-ins, 57

Aging of receivables, 9093

Analysis ToolPak add-in, 14

ANOVA, 1617

covariance, 18

Descriptive Statistics, 1516

histogram, 19

ANOVA, 1617

ANOVA: Single Factor, 14, 17

Audit data lying at extremes (outliers), 89


aging of receivables, 9093

Benford’s Law, 85

data lying at extremes (outliers), 89

illustration, 8788

random sampling, 86

sampling, 86

scatter plots, 8990

stratifying data in PivotTable, 87

Univariate Statistics, 8586

AVERAGE function, 9

AVERAGEIF function, 11

AVERAGEIFS function, 1011

Bar graph, 6869

Basic pivot table, 3639

Benford’s Law, 85

Bins_array argument, 13

Box and Whisker, 72

Changing cell, 57, 58

CHISQ.DIST.RT function, 9

CHISQ.TEST function, 9

CLEAN function, 75

Column Number, 25, 28

Conditional ...

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