
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.


Acacia tortilis, 183–184, 184f
Actinidia chinensis, See Kiwi fruit
Action-oriented targets for sustainable intensification, 416
Adansonia digitata L, See Baobab tree
African agriculture, 395–396
humid and subhumid tropics, 23, 65
agroforestry, 26–27
in Burundi, 25f
in Cameroon, 24f
continuous cultivation, 25f
high-value trees for income generation, 50–56
land degradation, 23–26, 28f
multipurpose trees, 44–50
shrubs as fodder supplements, 44–50
soil conservation, 38–44
soil fertility improvement, 27–38
tree domestication, 111, 141t
trees and rural poverty in, 357–360
enabling policies, 359–360
intensifying and diversifying land use, ...

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