

α-galactosidase, 470
α-lactalbumin, 613
α-tocopherol, 465
α-zein, 616
Acetyl-CoA, 499
acrylonitrile, 685
Acticoat, 353
Actisorb, 353
active packaging, 3, 4, 31, 356–7, 460–1, 462
additives, 670
additives migration, 674–7
Indian standards for plastics in contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and drinking water, 675–6
migration model, 674, 676–7
polymer/food system, 677
A-DO Korea, 392
adsorption, 319
advanced single-site polyolefms
and ethylene-norbornene copolymers, 152–61
macromolecular structure, 155–6
future trends, 160–1
macromolecular structure, 154–5
crystallinity and composition continuum for ethylene-propylene polymers, 155
single-site polyethylenes mechanical properties, 154
nanocomposite preparation, 156−60
blend preparation, ...

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