
Applied creativity, 93

Artificial intelligence (AI)

adoption, 155

challenge, 54

criteria, 162

algorithms, 48, 164165

augmented reality (AR), 16

brand building, 157158

brand creative idea, 162163

brand plan, 163

business problems, 4950


exposure to fraudsters, 57

increased threat, 57

job threat, 5758

permission issues, 57

computing power, 3435

context of written word, 3536

COVID pandemic, 5456

Critical Executive Information, 49

customer support and training modules, 166

data, 42

ecosystem, 37

good perspective, 51

Google search, 12

increased threat, 57

intelligent system, 36

marketing and advertising

advertising, 15

content generation, 1415

customer support, 16

email marketing, 15

engagement, 1415

measurement parameters, ...

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