Chapter 4

Creating a Music Business Plan

In This Chapter

arrow Preparing a plan for your career

arrow Understanding expenses and revenues

arrow Funding your budgets for your music business plans

arrow Projecting, planning, and building your consolidated music business plan

Do you remember the stories about the two squirrels facing a coming winter? One plans and prepares as he collects nuts for the cold winter, and the other squirrel just frolics (does anyone frolic anymore?), procrastinates, and doesn’t do anything to prepare. Then fast forward, he’s cold, no food, and watches the other squirrel in jealousy.

Mapping your career path and creating a music business plan for every step from recording to release to touring and any other venture is one of the most fundamental steps to take early in your career. By building your first plan with the right details, the right organization, and the right people, it helps in the moment and can be the starting template for future plans.

This chapter helps you organize and put together a consolidated music business plan that hits on all the primary needs to approach an ...

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