Chapter 13
Planning Music, Merchandise, and Event Drops
In This Chapter
Creating the best foundations for your product release or event
Promoting with the best tools and the best time frames for maximum results
Organizing and implementing your release plan with media
Spreading out releases and events for highest and maintained visibility
Whether you’re ready to release a single, an EP, an album, or even a new piece of merchandise, the right planning prior to an event gives the release support to make people aware of what you’re putting out there. From the promotional campaign to the content, from the marketing online to publicity support, the planning and execution make all the difference.
Creating Well-Planned Promotions and Releases
Tens of thousands of singles, albums, and products are released by musicians with the biggest and smallest promotional budgets every year. The ones that get heard aren’t necessarily the best; they’re heard because they had the marketing support to reach more ears.
Mixing individualized promotional plans with each product or event gives you the most fuel ...
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