

24-hour clock. See military time


About screen, 67–68

accessibility settings, customizing, 63–64


browsing history, 203

calculator, 170

calendar, 171

charts in Excel spreadsheets, 245

favorite radio stations, 158–159

friends list for XBOX Live profile, 289–292

keypad, 309

mailbox, 80

Microsoft Office Mobile, 220

radio interface, 156

Settings screen, 41

tweets, 406

voice mail, 311

web pages from favorites list, 202

XBOX Live, 273


email accounts, removing, 104–105

Twitter accounts, configuring, 405

Windows Live accounts

configuring, 71–72

linking with Facebook account, 391

removing, 105

XBOX Live accounts

connecting, 275–279

types of, 280

Zune accounts, configuring, 112–114


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