Nano in its various formats (or allotropes to borrow the term from carbon)
has changed the landscape not only for electronics, but also for human
enterprise in planning the future of a community, state, country, and the
planet Earth. Nanoscience, nanotechnology, nanoengineering, and nano-
business are all moving targets, creating new start-ups among unlikely
partners. The complete nanoensemble, by its very nature, is a multi- and
interdisciplinary venture. Perhaps there is a need for engagement not only
for scientists and engineers, but also for thinkers, ethicists, lawyers, theo-
logians, and the nation’s politicians. Engineering, a process of synthesis, is
an engine of innovations, inventions, and growth. To quote Theodore von
Kármán, the California Institute of Technology’s provost during its forma-
tive years: “Scientists discover the world that exists; engineers create the
world that never was.” In other words, science is about being driven by curi-
osity to understand the world. Engineering is about using science to trans-
form the world. This book is an example of the unication of science and
engineering covering a journey from quantum physics to nanoengineering,
including a brief coverage of mind–body connections to capture the power
of brain waves and communication skills through checks and balances in the
information matrix in Appendix I. The book draws heavily from published
papers by the author as listed in Appendix J. The author can be reached at
vijay.arora@wilkes.edu for any comments and/or MATLAB
codes needed
while reading the book. MATLAB is a vehicle that is heavily utilized for
graphics and numerical work.
Nanoelectronics have captured the attention and imagination of the world’s
scientists and engineers to replace silicon with carbon-based electronics. It
covers the domain below a characteristic length of 1 micrometer (μm) termi-
nating with about 1 nanometer (nm). A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter,
or three to ve atoms in width. It would take approximately 40,000 nm lined
up in a row to equal the width of a human hair. Below a nm lies the atomic
world with a hydrogen atom as the basis for nomenclature of quantized (dig-
itized) energy levels. Quantum engineering at nm scale is closely related to
nanotechnology, an umbrella term that encompasses all elds of science that
operate on the nanoscale. As is well known, carbon gives biology, and silicon
gave geology and semiconductor technology. However, nano gives differ-
ent structures or allotropes of carbon and other materials appearing for the
application. The transition to carbon is bringing biology into the mainstream
of engineering as a process of synthesis, integrating ideas from several dis-
ciplines. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), a few nm in diameter, are rolled-up ver-
sions of graphene sheets that can extend in length to a few μm. That is why
engineering is emerging to be a converging science or it is sometimes labeled
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