Book description
The first book of its kind to introduce the fundamentals, basic features and models, potential applications and novel phenomena and its important applications in liquid crystal technology.
Recognized leader in the field Gaetano Assanto outlines the peculiar characteristics of nematicons and the promise they have for the future growth of this captivating new field.
Table of contents
- Cover
- Series
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Contributors
- Chapter 1: Nematicons
Chapter 2: Features of Strongly Nonlocal Spatial Solitons
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Phenomenological Theory of Strongly Nonlocal Spatial Solitons
- 2.3 Nonlocal Spatial Solitons in Nematic Liquid Crystals
- 2.4 Conclusion
- Appendix 2.A: Proof of the Equivalence of the Snyder–Mitchell Model (Eq. 2.16) and the Strongly Nonlocal Model (Eq. 2.11)
- Appendix 2.B: Perturbative Solution for a Single Soliton of the NNLSE (Eq. 2.4) in NLC
- References
Chapter 3: Theoretical Approaches To Nonlinear Wave Evolution In Higher Dimensions
- 3.1 Simple Example of Multiple Scales Analysis
- 3.2 Survey of Perturbation Methods for Solitary Waves
- 3.3 Linearized Perturbation Theory for Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
- 3.4 Modulation Theory: Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
- 3.5 Radiation Loss
- 3.6 Solitary Waves in Nematic Liquid Crystals: Nematicons
- 3.7 Radiation Loss for The Nematicon Equations
- 3.8 Choice of Trial Function
- 3.9 Conclusions
- Appendix 3.A: Integrals
- Appendix 3.B: Shelf Radius
- References
- Chapter 4: Soliton Families in Strongly Nonlocal Media
- Chapter 5: External Control of Nematicon Paths
- Chapter 6: Dynamics of Optical Solitons in Bias-Free Nematic Liquid Crystals
- Chapter 7: Interaction of Nematicons and Nematicon Clusters
Chapter 8: Nematicons in Light Valves
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 Reorientational Kerr Effect and Soliton Formation in Nematic Liquid Crystals
- 8.3 Liquid Crystal Light Valves
- 8.4 Spatial Solitons in Light Valves
- 8.5 Soliton Propagation in 3D Anisotropic Media: Model and Experiment
- 8.6 Soliton Gating and Switching by External Beams
- 8.7 Conclusions and Perspectives
- References
- Chapter 9: Propagation of Light Confined via Thermo-Optical Effect in Nematic Liquid Crystals
- Chapter 10: Discrete Light Propagation in Arrays of Liquid Crystalline Waveguides
Chapter 11: Power-Dependent Nematicon Self-Routing
- 11.1 Introduction
- 11.2 Nematicons: Governing Equations
- 11.3 Single-Hump Nematicon Profiles
- 11.4 Actual Experiments: Role of Losses
- 11.5 Nematicon Self-Steering in Dye-Doped NLC
- 11.6 Boundary Effects
- 11.7 Nematicon Self-Steering Through Interaction with Linear Inhomogeneities
- 11.8 Conclusions
- References
- Chapter 12: Twisted and Chiral Nematicons
- Chapter 13: Time Dependence of Spatial Solitons in Nematic Liquid Crystals
- Chapter 14: Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Light Bullets in Nematic Liquid Crystals
- Chapter 15: Vortices in Nematic Liquid Crystals
- Chapter 16: Dispersive Shock Waves in Reorientational and Other Optical Media
- index
- bseries
Product information
- Title: Nematicons: Spatial Optical Solitons in Nematic Liquid Crystals
- Author(s):
- Release date: November 2012
- Publisher(s): Wiley
- ISBN: 9780470907245
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