AGC, 351, 462
AM, 15
Abbreviations, 477
AC-3, 422
ACC, 161, 164
A-D conversion, 181, 191, 242, 255, 331, 409, 447
Adaptive matrix, 417
Adjacent channel, 52
Aerials, 44
AFC, 51, 59
AGC, 49, 55, 144
Alignment tape, 303, 304, 371, 372
Alignment, dish, 76
Aperture corrector, 132
Aperture-grille, 108
Artificial sync, 281
ASCII, 173
Aspect ratio, 410, 423
Assemble edit, 336
Astra, 62, 71, 87
ATF, 268, 270, 273, 313, 386
Audio fault diagnosis, 358
Audio/control head, 362, 371
Auto grey-scale, 164
Auto-diagnosis, 342
Auto-editor, 442
Auto-focus, 147
Auto-tracking, 275
Auto-tuning, 432
AUX input, 80
Auxiliary heads, 279, 282
Azimuth, 76, 269, 366, 371


Back porch, 11, 153
Back-tension, 266, 364, 372, 373, 378
Background memory system, ...

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