Chapter 5
Messages of the Electronic Kind
In This Chapter
Configuring e-mail on the Nexus 7
Receiving e-mail
Reading, replying to, and forwarding e-mail
Composing a new message
Dealing with e-mail attachments
Changing your e-mail signature
The first time an electronic message was sent, it was referred to as mail. That’s it. Short. Simple. To the point. Eventually, the term email was adopted, where the e stood for electronic. And that’s where the Legion of Editors stepped in. Now you see it written as E-mail (which is what my publisher, Wiley, is currently dictating), though email is gaining in popularity. There’s also e-mail (little e), eMail and even EMail. So what is it?
E-mail is this chapter’s topic. It’s the process of sending a message to someone else, another denizen of the Internet. Using your Nexus 7, you can receive, compose, send, forward, and otherwise review and regard ...