Chapter 6
On the Web
In This Chapter
Browsing the web on your tablet
Adding a bookmark
Working with tabs
Searching for text on a web page
Sharing and saving web pages
Downloading images and files
Configuring the Chrome app
I’m certain that the World Wide Web was designed to be viewed on a computer. The monitor is big and roomy. Web pages are displayed amply, like Uncle Bill on the sofa watching a ballgame. The smaller the screen, however, the more difficult it is to view web pages designed for those roomy monitors. The web on a cell phone? Tragic. But on the Nexus 7?
The Nexus 7 doesn’t have the diminutive screen of a cell phone. Nor does it have a huge, cinematic computer monitor. Instead, the tablet’s screen is a good size in between. Viewing the web is like seeing a younger, thinner ...