Chapter 15

Document Databases in the Enterprise

In This Chapter

arrow Spreading your data across servers

arrow Ensuring your data is kept safe

arrow Making record versions consistent across your database cluster

If a database tells you that data is saved, then you’re likely to rely on that assurance. For mission-critical use cases this reliance is vital. Moreover, many industries don’t just want changes to their data to be accessible immediately after an update; they also want the indexes used to find the data kept up to date, too — reflecting the current state of the database.

Another issue is the distribution of data around a database cluster. By distributing data, you improve the speed of writes. Distributing data though also means that you may sacrifice the speed of read operations and also of queries. This is because queries need to be handled by many servers. Understanding the tradeoffs for each situation is important.

Document NoSQL databases differ from each other in how they provide the preceding features. They are key for enterprises that want to bet their business on new technology in order to gain competitive advantages.

In this chapter, I discuss the advantages and risks of each approach ...

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