Chapter 24

Common Features of Search Engines

In This Chapter

arrow Diving into the system

arrow Referencing text

arrow Organizing data stores

arrow Creating alerts

The most visible part of a search engine is the search box. Google popularized the simple text box as the standard for allowing people to search vast arrays of digital content.

Words are imprecise, though. Do you mean John Smith the person or John Smith the beer? Do you mean guinea pig sex or determining the gender of a guinea pig? A mistake can cost time, but it can also bring a nasty surprise!

Really understanding how a search engine works allows you to create a shopping list of functionality that you actually need, rather than just conduct a “beauty pageant” of the search engines with the most features.

You probably need to fully implement only a few features rather than implement basic support for many features, and identifying the right features can save a lot of time.

In this chapter, I discuss all the features you’ll commonly find in search engines, and how they can be applied for fun and profit.

Dissecting a Search Engine

Although ...

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