NTA UGC/NET/SET/JRF Management Paper 2 - 2024, 4th Edition, Includes 2023 Solved Papers (March, June and December)

Book description

This book has been conceptualized and conceived to provide complete guidance to the aspiring management teachers. The book has been designed as per the latest syllabus pattern of UGC NET management. It details on all topics and concepts and is thoroughly designed on the updated UGC NET curriculum. The aim is to help aspirants prepare well and sharpen

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. About Pearson
  3. Title Page
  4. Dedication
  5. Preface
  6. About the Author
  7. Strategy to Crack the Exam
  8. UGC NET Paper 2 Management December
  9. UGC NET Paper 2 Management June 2023
  10. UGC NET Paper 2 Management March 2023
  11. UGC NET Paper 2 Management 2022
  12. UGC NET Paper 2 Management 2021
  13. UGC NET Paper 2 Management 2020
  14. Chapter 1 Management and Economics
    1. Concept of Management
    2. Approaches of Management
    3. Neo-Classical Approach
    4. Modern Approach
    5. Management Skills and Roles
    6. Communication
    7. Decision-making Concept
    8. Organizational Structure
    9. Organizational Structure and Design Types
    10. Organizational Design
    11. Chain of Command
    12. Managerial Economics
    13. Utility Analysis
    14. Indifference Curve
    15. Elasticity of Demand
    16. Demand Forecasting
    17. Market Structure
    18. Price Determination
    19. Some Other Types of Market
    20. National Income
    21. Inflation
    22. Business Ethics
    23. Corporate Social Responsibility
    24. Corporate Governance
    25. Test Your Concepts
    26. Previous Years’ Questions
    27. Answer Keys
    28. Hints and Explanations
  15. Chapter 2 Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
    1. What is Organizational Behaviour?
    2. Classical Theory
    3. Administrative Theory
    4. Neo-classical Theory
    5. Modern Organization Theory
    6. Personality
    7. Personality Theories
    8. The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
    9. Perception
    10. Motivation
    11. Group Behaviour
    12. Leadership Theories
    13. Group Dynamics
    14. Cross-cultural Organization Behaviour
    15. Human Resource Management: Conceptual Framework
    16. Sources of Recruitment
    17. Selection
    18. Placement
    19. Induction
    20. Training and Development
    21. Job Evaluation
    22. Compensation Management
    23. Employee Benefits and Incentives
    24. Test Your Concepts
    25. Previous Years’ Questions
    26. Answer Keys
    27. Hints and Explanations
  16. Chapter 3 Strategic Role of HRM
    1. Human Resource Management: A Snapshot
    2. Competency Mapping
    3. Career Planning and Development
    4. Organizational Change and Development
    5. Organizational Development
    6. Talent Management and Skill Development
    7. Employee Engagement and Work–Life Balance
    8. Industrial Relations (IR)
    9. Industrial Disputes
    10. Grievance Management
    11. Collective Bargaining
    12. Trade Union
    13. Green HRM
    14. Test Your Concepts
    15. Previous Years’ Questions
    16. Answer Keys
    17. Hints and Explanations
  17. Chapter 4 Accounting Principles and Standards
    1. Accounting Principles
    2. Modifying Principles/Exceptions
    3. Accounting Standards
    4. Preparation of Financial Statements
    5. Fund Flow
    6. Cash Flow Analysis
    7. Preparation of Cost Sheet
    8. Marginal Costing
    9. Cost Volume Profit Analysis
    10. Break-even Analysis
    11. Margin of Safety
    12. Standard Costing
    13. Accounting Treatment of Variances
    14. Financial Management: The Concept
    15. Cost of Capital
    16. Sources of Finance
    17. Equity Shares
    18. Preference Shares
    19. Debentures
    20. Internal Finance
    21. Budgeting and Budgetary Control
    22. Leverage
    23. EBIT – EPS Analysis
    24. Financial Breakeven Point
    25. Test Your Concepts
    26. Previous Years’ Questions
    27. Answer Keys
    28. Hints and Explanations
  18. Chapter 5 Value and Returns
    1. Time Preference for Money
    2. Future Value of Annuity
    3. Present Value of Annuity
    4. Valuation of Bonds and Shares
    5. Risk and Return
    6. Risk and Return Model
    7. Capital Budgeting
    8. Venture Capital Financing
    9. Risk and Uncertainty Analysis
    10. Dividend
    11. Merger and Acquisition
    12. Merger Negotiations
    13. Portfolio Management
    14. Derivatives
    15. Working Capital Management
    16. Cash Management System
    17. Inventory Management System
    18. Account Receivable Management
    19. Working Capital Payable Management
    20. Factoring
    21. International Financial Management
    22. Test Your Concepts
    23. Previous Years’ Questions
    24. Answer Keys
    25. Hints and Explanations
  19. Chapter 6 Strategic Management
    1. Introduction
    2. Strategy Analysis
    3. Porters Approach to Industry Analysis
    4. Industry Analysis: Resource-based Approach
    5. Corporate Strategy
    6. BCG Matrix
    7. Strategy Implementation
    8. Marketing – Concept
    9. 4Ps of Marketing
    10. Marketing Trends
    11. Marketing Tasks
    12. Customer Value and Satisfaction
    13. Market Segmentation
    14. Market Positioning
    15. Positioning Errors
    16. Targeting
    17. Product and Pricing Decision
    18. Product Life Cycle
    19. New Product Development
    20. Pricing Types and Strategic Pricing
    21. Marketing Channel
    22. Channel Design Decision
    23. Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)
    24. Advertising and Sales Promotion
    25. Test Your Concepts
    26. Previous Years’ Questions
    27. Answer Keys
    28. Hints and Explanations
  20. Chapter 7 Marketing
    1. Consumer Buying Behaviour
    2. Theories of Consumer Behaviour
    3. Buying Decision Processes
    4. Models of Consumer Behaviour
    5. Industrial Buying Behaviour
    6. Brand
    7. Logistics and Supply Chain Management
    8. Facility
    9. Designing and Managing Sales Force
    10. Service Marketing: Concept
    11. Internal Marketing
    12. Managing Service Quality and Brands
    13. Marketing Strategies of Service Firms
    14. Marketing Mix
    15. Customer Relationship Marketing
    16. Process of Customer value Analysis
    17. Customer Satisfaction
    18. Retail Marketing
    19. Benefits of Growth Organized Retail to India
    20. Recent Trends in Retail Marketing
    21. E-Marketing: Emerging Trend
    22. Direct Marketing
    23. Green Marketing
    24. International Marketing
    25. Entry Mode Decisions
    26. FDI with Strategic Alliances
    27. Planning Marketing Mix for International Markets
    28. Test Your Concepts
    29. Previous Years’ Questions
    30. Answer Keys
    31. Hints and Explanations
  21. Chapter 8 Statistics
    1. Concept
    2. Geometric Mean
    3. Dispersion
    4. Measures of Dispersion Variation
    5. Probability Distribution
    6. Data Collection
    7. Sampling
    8. Hypothesis Testing
    9. Correlation Analysis
    10. Regression Analysis
    11. Facility Location and Layout
    12. Scheduling, Loading, Sequencing and Monitoring
    13. Shop Floor Control
    14. Quality Management
    15. KAIZEN
    16. Test Your Concepts
    17. Previous Years’ Questions
    18. Answer Keys
    19. Hints and Explanations
  22. Chapter 9 International Business
    1. International Business
    2. Managing Business in Globalization Era
    3. Modes of Entry
    4. Approaches of International Business
    5. Theories of International Trade
    6. Balance of Payment
    7. Foreign Direct Investment
    8. Regional Economic Integration
    9. Multilateral Regulation of Trade and Investment under the World Trade Organization
    10. WTO
    11. International Trade Procedures and Documentation
    12. Role of International Financial Institutions
    13. Agreement on Agriculture (AOA)
    14. Information Technology: Use of computers in Management Applications
    15. Data Warehousing
    16. Test Your Concepts
    17. Previous Years’ Questions
    18. Answer Keys
    19. Hints and Explanations
  23. Chapter 10 Entrepreneurship Development
    1. Concept
    2. Types of Entrepreneurs
    3. Theories of Entrepreneurship Development
    4. Process of Entrepreneurship Development
    5. Concept of Intrapreneurship
    6. Women Entrepreneurship
    7. Rural Entrepreneurship
    8. Innovations in Business: Business Innovation
    9. Business Plane and Feasibility Analysis: The Concept
    10. Role of Government in the Promotion of SSI
    11. Test Your Concepts
    12. Previous Years’ Questions
    13. Answer Keys
    14. Hints and Explanations
  24. Copyright

Product information

  • Title: NTA UGC/NET/SET/JRF Management Paper 2 - 2024, 4th Edition, Includes 2023 Solved Papers (March, June and December)
  • Author(s): Mahak Mahajan
  • Release date: April 2024
  • Publisher(s): Pearson India
  • ISBN: 9789361597435