The real exam has 60 questions and you are given three hours to complete it. On the real exam, and on all of the exams in this book, give yourself credit only for those questions that you answer 100 percent correctly. For instance, if a question has three correct answers and you get two of the three correct, you get zero credit. There is no partial credit. Good luck!

1. Given:

         1. abstract class Vibrate {         2.   static String s = "-";         3.   Vibrate() {  s += "v"; }         4. }         5. public class Echo extends Vibrate {         6.   Echo() { this(7); s += "e"; }         7.   Echo(int x) { s += "e2"; }         8.   public static void main(String[] args) {         9.     System.out.print("made " + s + " "); ...

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