
Congratulations! If you are reading this, you've likely passed the 1Z0-815 Programmer I exam, and you are now ready to start your journey through the 1Z0-816 (Java SE Programmer II) exam. Or perhaps you came here from an older version of the certification and are now taking the IZ0-817 (Upgrade OCP Java 6, 7 & 8 to Java SE 11 Developer) exam. In either case, this book will guide you on your path to becoming a Java 11 Oracle Certified Professional.

The Programmer II exam builds upon the Programmer I exam. You are expected to know all of Programmer I material when taking the second exam. Some objectives on the 1Z0-816 exam are the same as those on the 1Z0-815 exam, such as the final modifier. Most are implied. For example, the ...

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