
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures; “t”, tables; “b”, boxes.

platform returning to location, 288–290
and protection
category, 282–283
drilling hole, 286–287
emergency abandonment, 284–286
operating procedures, 283–283
recovery in drilling, 284–286
wellhead, 287
temporary, 282
law, e273
tower, 369
Accelerator, 516, 518f
Accident, e183
handling, e340–343
impact analysis, e289–290
Accidental loads, submarine pipeline strength design with, e54–55
loads’ impact on pipeline during earthquake, e58–59
under seismic loading, e59–61
stress and strain analysis, e55–57
Acidification, 523
Acoustic generator, See Sonar
Action principles, 738
Active heave compensator, 337
Active heave drawworks (AHD), 336–337 ...

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