
There's a parable about three bricklayers that has always captured the importance of purpose‐driven work for me.

A man walking down the street sees three bricklayers. Each of them is diligently placing bricks along a wall, and each of them is working very hard.

To the first bricklayer, the man asks the question, “What are you doing?” The bricklayer replies, “I am laying bricks. I am working hard to feed my family.”

The man moves to the second bricklayer and asks the same question,“What are you doing?” to which the second bricklayer replies, “I’m building this nice, big wall.”

Finally, the man comes to the third bricklayer, who is the most focused, and asks again, “What are you doing?” The third one has a gleam in his eye and says, “I’m building a great cathedral.”

The fact is, most employees don't know why they're doing the work they do; they just work on what their manager tells them to or what some project management tool lists as the next task for them.

When every team and person in your organization is aligned to the strategic priorities of the business and understands the purpose behind their work, they are highly engaged, productive, and happy. It's true when building cathedrals, and it's true in business.

Businesses today face constant disruption and uncertainty—whether due to technical disruptions, market changes, financial conditions, war, or pandemics upending whole industries. These businesses need a new framework to move the business forward, pivot ...

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