The MicroMODEL V8.1 mine design software 1171
Table 16.1. Demo project model parameters.
Project Origin Origin Origin Ncol Nrow Nlev Column Row Level Number Number
East North Elev Size Size Size DH Samples
MMDemo 3500 4300 2800 80 68 66 25 25 15 58 2397
Seam Demo 0 0 5900 57 53 30 100 100 10 17 51
Azul 69300 52140 3900 115 83 70 20 20 10 489 33878
Andina 4000 4300 2500 130 170 70 10 10 10 76 2099
Ariz_Cu 1200 4200 3500 40 30 30 50 50 25 40 2017
Norte_Cu 600 0 2000 210 160 103 10 10 10 144 22869
16.2.1 Introduction
MicroMODEL is comprised of several modules which assist the user in the analysis of
mineral deposits amenable to block modeling methods.
This software package enables the user to enter drill hole data, and then statistically
analyze and display this data. Next, a two-dimensional model of the surface topography is
built. Upon completion of the topographic model, a three-dimensional geologic model of
the deposit is constructed either from the drill hole information or digitized polygons. Drill
hole data are then composited, for statistical reasons. Next, the necessary grade models
are built as three-dimensional grids using polygonal, Inverse Distance to a Power, (IDP) or
kriging estimation methods.
Finally, the user can evaluate material within digitized polygons for contained volumes,
tonnages, grades and stripping ratios. A floating cone algorithm is available to aid in open
pit design.
The main modules within MicroMODEL are:
• Data Entry
• Surface Modeling
• Rock Modeling
• Drill Hole Compositing
• Grade Modeling
• Pit Generation and Reserves Evaluation
• File Management
• Grade Thickness Modeling
• Special Tools
• PolyMap Interface
The first six of these will be briefly discussed.
16.2.2 Data Entry Module overview
The Data Entry Module is invoked when the user needs to input, output, plot, statistically
analyze, or manipulate the sample drill hole database. A sample database is generally
comprised of drill hole information as it appears in the drill hole logs.
Prior to entering the drill hole data, the Project Information File must be established.
This file contains information that each program will need for execution such as model