Long description

The trend projection with regression solver is set to begin in period 1, begin error analysis in period 1, and provide 3 future forecasts. A trend projection graph plots data on the Y axis, and periods on the X axis. The forecast line shows a steady increase from 30 to 75 over periods 0 to 20. The actual data line increases and decreases, but remains consistent with the rise of the forecast. Data below the graph reads as follows.

  • A, or Y intercept, 28.50.

  • B, or slope or trend, 2.35.

  • R 2, 0.69.

  • C F E, 0.00.

  • M A D, 6.21.

  • M S E, 52.96.

  • M A P E, 13.53%.

  • Forecast for period 17, 68.375.

  • Forecast for period 18, 70.72059.

  • Forecast for period 19, 73.06618.

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