Long description

The software model of the Gantt chart shows option buttons: Reset Data and Questions followed by a table with five columns titled Activity, time, pred 1, pred 2, and pred 3. The values that are marked in red are designated as critical. The values for each row under each column from Activity, time, pred 1, pred 2, and pred 3 are as follows:

Activity Time Pred 1 Pred 2 Pred 3
A 12 Nil Nil Nil
B 9 Nil Nil Nil
C 10 a Nil Nil
D 10 b Nil Nil
E 24 b Nil Nil
F 10 a Nil Nil
G 35 c Nil Nil
H 40 d Nil Nil
I 15 a Nil Nil
J 4 e g h
K 6 f I j

Activities B, D, H, J, and K have been highlighted in red.

The project time is calculated as 69 weeks.

The graph uses horizontal bars to represent the time estimate for each activity; ...

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