Advanced iSQL*Plus and SQL*Plus Features in Oracle Database 10g Release 2

Oracle 10g Release 2 offers several new features with SQL*Plus and iSQL*Plus. Following is a short overview of the new features that will be included in the upcoming release:

  • 10g Release 2 offers the new XQUERY SQL*Plus command and iSQL*Plus support. XQUERY allows you to enter XQuery statements and retrieve results in SQL*Plus. Following is an example of this new feature:

    SQL> XQUERY for $i in ora:view("documents")
    2 return $i
    3 /
    Result Sequence
    <ROW><DOC_ID>69923</DOC_ID><DOC_TITLE> Earthquake triggers deadly tsunami </DOC_TITLE>
    <DOC_DATE>20-MAY-2005</DOC_DATE> ...
  • Along with the new ...

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