

! (exclamation mark), 903

!= (not equal to), 75

' (single quotation marks), 907

" (double quotation mark)

:= (set equal to), 911

- (hyphen), 908–909

-- (comment), 909

– (subtraction)

arithmetic functions, 157–158

reference for, 908

& or && (ampersand or double ampersand), 907

# (pound sign), 904

$ (dollar sign), 904

% (percent)

LIKE operator and, 77–78

reference for, 905

wildcard searches, 459

%FOUND, 905

%ISOPEN, 905




%TYPE, 906–907

() (parentheses)

operator precedence and, 173–174

reference for, 908

* (multiplication)

arithmetic functions, 157–158

COUNT function and, 169–170

reference for, 908

** (exponentiation), 908

. (period or dot), 909–910

. (period or dot), SQL*Plus, 909

/ (division), ...

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