Named iterators

To declare a named iterator class, use the following syntax:

#sql [modifiers] iterator class_name 
        [implements interface_class [, interface_class . . .]] 
        [with constant_name = value [,constant_name = value . . .]]
                     column_name [, java_type 
                     column_name ...]);



Optional Java class modifier: public, private, protected, static.


Name for the iterator class.


The interface(s) implemented by the iterator class. If the iterator implements the sqlj.runtime.Scrollable class (available with Oracle 8.1.7 and later), the iterator will support the following navigation functions:

  • previous( )

  • first( )

  • last( )

  • absolute(row_number)

  • relative(relative_number): number of rows relative to current row

  • afterLast( )

  • beforeFirst( )

and these other functions:

  • setFetchDirection(direction), where direction can be a constant in sqlj.runtime.ResultSetIterator of FETCH_FORWARD, FETCH_REVERSE, or FETCH_UNKNOWN as a hint

  • getFetchDirection( )

  • isFirst( )

  • isLast( )

  • isBeforeFirst( )

  • isAfterLast( )


Name of a constant that can be accessed in the iterator.


Java datatype of an iterator column.


Name of the column in the iterator. If this name is different from the column name, you should use AS to identify the iterator column.

Once you have declared a named iterator, you can select into it with this syntax:

#sql iterator_name = {sql_statement};

When the named iterator has been populated, you can move through the rows in the iterator by using ...

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