Extends oracle.sql.Datum.

The constructors for this class are:

TIMESTAMP(byte[] timestamp) 
TIMESTAMP(java.sql.Date date) 
TIMESTAMP(java.lang.String str) 
TIMESTAMP(java.sql.Time time) 
TIMESTAMP(java.sql.Timestamp timestamp)

The variables in the constructors represent initial values for the created object.


isConvertibleTo(java.lang.Class cls )

Returns a Boolean indicating whether the object can be converted to cls.

makeJdbcArray(int arraySize )

Returns java.lang.Object representation of the datum.

timestampValue( )

Returns java.sql.Timestamp conversion of internal Oracle.

TimeZoneConvert(java.sql.Connection conn , TIMESTAMP tstamp ,java.util.TimeZone tz1 , java.util.TimeZone tz2 )

Returns TIMESTAMP converted from tz1 to tz2. Static method.

toBytes( )

Returns byte array of converted Oracle Timestamp.

toBytes(DATE date )

Returns byte array of converted Oracle DATE. Static method.

toBytes(java.lang.String str )

Returns byte array of converted Java String. Static method.

toBytes(java.sql.Date date )

Returns byte array of converted Java Date. Static method.

toBytes(java.sql.Time time )

Returns byte array of converted Java Time. Static method.

toBytes(java.sql.Timestamp timestamp )

Returns byte array of converted Java Timestamp. Static method.

toDate(byte[] timestamp )

Returns java.sql.Date converted from byte array representing a TIMESTAMP object. Static method.

toDATE(byte[] timestamp )

Returns DATE converted from byte array representing ...

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