Join hints
The following hints suggest a join order or a type of join operation:
Forces tables to be joined in the order they are listed in the FROM clause.
Forces a star query plan.
- USE_NL( table [ table . . .])
Forces the use of a nested loop join, with the specified table(s) as the inner table.
- USE_MERGE( table [ table . . .])
Forces the use of a sort merge join, with the specfied table(s) as the driver.
- USE_HASH( table [ table . . .])
Specifies the use of a hash join with the specified table.
- DRIVING_SITE( table )
Forces the join to be performed at the site containing the specified table.
- LEADING( table )
Specifies the table to be used as the first table in a join. New with Oracle9i.
Used in a NOT IN subquery to specify a hash, merge, or nested loop antijoin. The NL_AJ hint is new with Oracle9i.
Specifies a hash, merge, or nested loop semijoin. The NL_SJ hint is new with Oracle9i.
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