Chapter 6: Using Reminders, Notes, and Notifications
In This Chapter
Setting Reminders
Making Notes
Using the Notification Center
As I’ve said many times before in my books, “If it works in one place, it’s likely to show up in another.” In this case, three very popular timesaving (and headache-preventing) apps have crossed over from the world of iOS devices — the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch — and have securely landed on your Mountain Lion Desktop! Those apps are Reminders, Notes, and the Notification Center, all taken from iOS 5.
That’s not the only good news, though: These three Mac applications work seamlessly with an iCloud account you’ve already set up, so if you also use an iOS device (with the same Apple ID), the notes you take and the Reminders you make are automatically synchronized among all your Apple computers and devices! (If you didn’t create an Apple ID when you installed Mountain Lion, visit Chapter 3 of this minibook for the details.)
Because all three of these new applications have a similar goal — namely, to keep you in touch with the information, daily tasks, and digital events that matter to you — I decided to cover them in one shiny chapter. Consider this chapter ...