Working with Software Utilities

Software utilities help you with matters related to software functions, such as monitoring color profiles and taking screenshots. Even though some of these utilities may touch hardware from time to time, typically their work is software-centric.


All the utilities in this chapter have Help systems that can teach you much more about those that interest you the most. To access the Help system for any application, simply click Help in the menu bar.

Using AppleScript Editor

AppleScript Editor is a tool that helps you write and edit AppleScripts. “Great,” I can hear you say, “but what are AppleScripts?” AppleScript is a scripting language built in to OS X. The scripts you can produce with it are called AppleScripts. You have most likely already used an AppleScript without being aware of it. This is because they are generally used by applications (and other utilities) to perform tasks and commands behind the scenes. AppleScript Editor is typically used by application developers, but some savvy Mountain Lion users may find it useful to write their own AppleScripts to automate repetitive tasks. For much more about AppleScript and AppleScript Editor, go to the AppleScript Help by clicking the Help menu and making a selection, or visit some (or all) of the following websites: ...

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