13.2. Agglomerative Algorithms

Let g(Ci, Cj) be a function defined for all possible pairs of clusters of X. This function measures the proximity between Ci and Cj. Let t denote the current level of hierarchy. Then, the general agglomerative scheme may be stated as follows:

Generalized Agglomerative Scheme (GAS)

  • R Initialization:
    • Choose R0 = {Ci = {xi], i = 1,…, N} as the initial clustering.
    • t = 0.
  • Repeat:
    • t = t + 1
    • Among all possible pairs of clusters (Cr,Cs) in Rt−1 find the one, say (Ci, Cj), such that(13.1)
    • Define Cq = CiCj and produce the new clustering Rt = (Rt-1 − {Ci,Cj} ∪ {Cq}.
  • Until all vectors lie in a single cluster. ...

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