Book description
IBM WebSphere Process Server, and the accompanying IBM WebSphere Integration Developer development tool, provide a vast array of powerful features for building business process solutions. But how can you use those features for your organization? This IBM Redbooks publication takes a scenario-based approach to demonstrate these product features and employs the IBM Patterns for e-business to illustrate proven business process patterns.
Part 1 of this book introduces the Patterns for e-business. The Patterns for e-business are a group of proven, reusable assets that can be used to increase the speed of developing and deploying On Demand Business applications. This book focuses on the Serial and Parallel Process patterns from the asset catalog.
Part 2 describes the business scenario used in this book. It also explains the key technologies that are relevant to the scenarios.
Part 3 guides you through the building of business process solutions in WebSphere Integration Developer for deployment to WebSphere Process Server. It includes the use of Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL) business processes, business state machines, and other product features. Four solutions are described, each adhering to a separate pattern. Each solution includes architectural considerations for designing the solution and step-by-step instructions for building the scenario.
Please note that the additional material referenced in the text is not available from IBM.
Table of contents
- Notices
- Preface
- Part 1: Patterns for e-business and business processes
- Chapter 1: Welcome to this redbook
- Chapter 2: Introduction to the Patterns for e-business
- Chapter 3: Introduction to business processes
- Chapter 4: Application Integration and Extended Enterprise patterns
- Chapter 5: Runtime patterns
- Chapter 6: Product descriptions
- Chapter 7: Product mappings
- Part 2: Business scenario and guidelines
- Chapter 8: Business scenarios used in this book
- Chapter 9: Technology descriptions
- Part 3: Scenario implementation
Chapter 10: Serial Process scenario
- 10.1: Business scenario
- 10.2: Design guidelines
- 10.3: Development options
10.4: Development guidelines
- Development plan
- Setting up the workspace
- Creating the business logic for ITSO Electronics (1/9)
- Creating the business logic for ITSO Electronics (2/9)
- Creating the business logic for ITSO Electronics (3/9)
- Creating the business logic for ITSO Electronics (4/9)
- Creating the business logic for ITSO Electronics (5/9)
- Creating the business logic for ITSO Electronics (6/9)
- Creating the business logic for ITSO Electronics (7/9)
- Creating the business logic for ITSO Electronics (8/9)
- Creating the business logic for ITSO Electronics (9/9)
- Creating supporting services for the business process (1/3)
- Creating supporting services for the business process (2/3)
- Creating supporting services for the business process (3/3)
- 10.5: Runtime guidelines (1/2)
- 10.5: Runtime guidelines (2/2)
Chapter 11: Exposed Serial Process scenario
- 11.1: Business scenario
- 11.2: Design guidelines
11.3: Development guidelines
- Development plan
- Setting up the workspace
- Creating the business state machine (1/6)
- Creating the business state machine (2/6)
- Creating the business state machine (3/6)
- Creating the business state machine (4/6)
- Creating the business state machine (5/6)
- Creating the business state machine (6/6)
- Creating the business rule BSMChooseWh
- Creating the ITSOElectronics assembly diagram
- Creating the Wholesaler service providers (1/3)
- Creating the Wholesaler service providers (2/3)
- Creating the Wholesaler service providers (3/3)
- Linking WholesalerD and WholesalerE to the state machine
- Creating the Exposed Serial business process (1/2)
- Creating the Exposed Serial business process (2/2)
- Linking the business process in the assembly diagram
- Adding the ITSO_CheckDate business rule
- Exposing the business process as a Web service
- 11.4: Runtime guidelines
Chapter 12: Parallel Process scenario
- 12.1: Business scenario
- 12.2: Design guidelines
12.3: Development guidelines
- Setting up the workspace
- Creating the Parallel Process module
- Constructing a solution in the Assembly Editor (1/2)
- Constructing a solution in the Assembly Editor (2/2)
- Creating the component implementations (1/4)
- Creating the component implementations (2/4)
- Creating the component implementations (3/4)
- Creating the component implementations (4/4)
- Configuring the JDBC adapter with the business process (1/3)
- Configuring the JDBC adapter with the business process (2/3)
- Configuring the JDBC adapter with the business process (3/3)
- 12.4: Runtime guidelines
Chapter 13: Parallel Workflow scenario
- 13.1: Business scenario
- 13.2: Design guidelines
13.3: Development guidelines
- Setting up the workspace
- Creating the business objects
- Creating the interfaces
- Building the PlaceOrderProcess Parallel Workflow process (1/12)
- Building the PlaceOrderProcess Parallel Workflow process (2/12)
- Building the PlaceOrderProcess Parallel Workflow process (3/12)
- Building the PlaceOrderProcess Parallel Workflow process (4/12)
- Building the PlaceOrderProcess Parallel Workflow process (5/12)
- Building the PlaceOrderProcess Parallel Workflow process (6/12)
- Building the PlaceOrderProcess Parallel Workflow process (7/12)
- Building the PlaceOrderProcess Parallel Workflow process (8/12)
- Building the PlaceOrderProcess Parallel Workflow process (9/12)
- Building the PlaceOrderProcess Parallel Workflow process (10/12)
- Building the PlaceOrderProcess Parallel Workflow process (11/12)
- Building the PlaceOrderProcess Parallel Workflow process (12/12)
- Building the ITSOPModule assembly diagram (1/4)
- Building the ITSOPModule assembly diagram (2/4)
- Building the ITSOPModule assembly diagram (3/4)
- Building the ITSOPModule assembly diagram (4/4)
- 13.4: Runtime guidelines
- Part 4: Appendixes
Appendix A: Building Wholesaler A and B service implementations
- Scenario implementation overview
Creating the service implementation for Wholesaler A
- Creating business objects for the WhDelReqWeb_I interface (1/2)
- Creating business objects for the WhDelReqWeb_I interface (2/2)
- Creating the WhDelReqWeb_I interface
- Creating the business objects for the remaining interfaces
- Creating the remaining interfaces
- Creating the business logic (1/5)
- Creating the business logic (2/5)
- Creating the business logic (3/5)
- Creating the business logic (4/5)
- Creating the business logic (5/5)
- Creating the assembly diagram
- Examining the generated WSDL files
- Testing Wholesaler A
- Creating the service implementation for Wholesaler B
- Appendix B: Deploying and testing modules
Appendix C: Relationships and cross-referencing
- Relationships: What they do and how they do it
Using relationships
- Setting up the workspace
- Creating the ITSOItems relationship
- Deploying the relationship
- Populating the relationship data (1/2)
- Populating the relationship data (2/2)
- Creating the cross-reference data mapping: Delivery days (1/2)
- Creating the cross-reference data mapping: Delivery days (2/2)
- Creating the interface map: Delivery days
- Creating the cross-reference data mapping: Place order
- Creating the interface map: Place order
- Modifying the ITSOElectronics assembly diagram
- Testing relationships
- Appendix D: WebSphere Process Server dynamicity
- Appendix E: Additional material
- Abbreviations and acronyms
- Related publications
- Index (1/3)
- Index (2/3)
- Index (3/3)
- Back cover
Product information
- Title: Patterns: Building Serial and Parallel Processes for IBM WebSphere Process Server V6
- Author(s):
- Release date: April 2006
- Publisher(s): IBM Redbooks
- ISBN: None
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