Performance Tuning for Content Manager

Book description

This IBM Redbooks publication deals with performance tuning for IBM DB2 Content Manager Version 8 for Multiplatforms. It is aimed at architects, designers, and system administrators of Content Manager systems.

The book starts with an introduction to performance tuning basics, and define performance and how it is measured. We describe performance methodology and the performance improvement process, along with a set of general guidelines you should use when planning a new system or maintaining and improving an existing system.

After a summary of best practices for Content Manager system performance in a check list, we go into detail about tuning the operating system, DB2, WebSphere Application Server, and Tivoli Storage Manager for Content Manager.

In addition, we include discussion about performance monitoring, analysis, and tracing. Our troubleshooting guidance uses real-life scenarios, and there is a case study to further show you how to troubleshoot. At the end, we include Content Manager maintenance information to ensure that your system is performing at its best.

Written for architects, developers, and system administrators, this book serves as a guide to help you from day one of the system planning and channel you through the right path for a successful running system.

Please note that the additional material referenced in the text is not available from IBM.

Table of contents

  1. Notices
    1. Trademarks
  2. Preface
    1. The team that wrote this book
    2. Become a published author
    3. Comments welcome
  3. Summary of changes
    1. July 2006, Second Edition
  4. Part 1: Architecture and technology overview
  5. Chapter 1: Content Manager
    1. 1.1: Introduction
    2. 1.2: Content Manager system components
      1. Library Server
      2. Resource Manager
      3. Content Manager clients
      4. Content Manager component communication
      5. Content Manager APIs
    3. 1.3: Content Manager system configuration
  6. Chapter 2: Content Manager base products
    1. 2.1: DB2 Universal Database overview
      1. Basic DB2 database concepts
      2. DB2 architecture overview (1/2)
      3. DB2 architecture overview (2/2)
      4. Performance-related concepts (1/3)
      5. Performance-related concepts (2/3)
      6. Performance-related concepts (3/3)
      7. Routine maintenance
    2. 2.2: WebSphere Application Server overview
      1. J2EE overview
      2. Three-tier architecture
      3. Architectural components
      4. Performance-related tools and concepts
      5. Routine maintenance
    3. 2.3: Tivoli Storage Manager overview
      1. TSM capabilities overview
      2. TSM architecture
  7. Part 2: Performance tuning overview and planning
  8. Chapter 3: Performance tuning basics
    1. 3.1: Introduction
    2. 3.2: When to plan and tune your system
    3. 3.3: Performance methodology
    4. 3.4: Performance improvement process
    5. 3.5: General performance tuning guideline
  9. Chapter 4: Planning for performance
    1. 4.1: Introduction
    2. 4.2: Understanding current processes and data
    3. 4.3: Translating current processes to the new data model
    4. 4.4: Analyzing the impact of a new workload
    5. 4.5: Estimating storage requirements
  10. Chapter 5: Designing and configuring for performance
    1. 5.1: Introduction
    2. 5.2: General design considerations
    3. 5.3: Configuration choices and trade-off
    4. 5.4: Hardware
      1. Scalability
    5. 5.5: Library Server
      1. Library Server configuration
      2. Authentication
      3. Data model
      4. Document routing
    6. 5.6: Resource Managers
      1. Resource Manager properties
      2. Configuration (1/2)
      3. Configuration (2/2)
      4. System-managed storage
      5. Logging
      6. Move Resource Manager storage area
    7. 5.7: Network
      1. The triangle or “inverted V”
      2. Physical locations
      3. Network and resource objects
      4. Network and Web clients
      5. Network and Library Server
    8. 5.8: Client applications
      1. The OO API layer component of the client
  11. Part 3: Performance tuning details
  12. Chapter 6: Best practices for Content Manager system performance
    1. 6.1: Introduction
    2. 6.2: Best practices for system performance
      1. AIX
      2. Linux
      3. Windows
      4. Maintenance
  13. Chapter 7: Tuning operating systems for Content Manager
    1. 7.1: Introduction
    2. 7.2: Tuning AIX operating system
      1. Adjust maximum number of PROCESSES allowed per user
      2. Use JFS2 and EJFS for logical volumes and file systems
      3. Check the default values in ulimit
      4. Configure disk I/O for effective usage
      5. Set all machines to full duplex
      6. Set MTU size to the maximum supported by LAN
    3. 7.3: Tuning Linux operating system
      1. Configure appropriate ulimit
      2. Configure shared memory
      3. Configure semaphores settings
      4. Configure message queues
      5. Tune network
      6. Tune file systems for external storage
      7. Configure disk I/O for effective usage
    4. 7.4: Tuning the Windows operating system
      1. Disable Indexing Service
      2. Disable Computer Browser Service
      3. Disable Internet Information Service
      4. Disable 8.3 file name creation (NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation)
      5. Check memory
      6. Tune Windows network
      7. Configure disk I/O for effective usage
      8. Set the /3GB parameter option in boot.ini
      9. Set the /PAE parameter option in boot.ini
      10. Disable unnecessary Windows services
  14. Chapter 8: Tuning DB2 for Content Manager
    1. 8.1: Introduction
    2. 8.2: Design and configuration setup
      1. Spread the database components over multiple disks
      2. Customize CM databases deployment at install through DDL
      3. Create separate instances during installation
      4. Initial parameter tuning for Library Server database
      5. Create attribute indexes
      6. Create indexes for document routing
      7. Additional configuration and tuning suggestions
    3. 8.3: Regular routine maintenance
      1. Keeping up with the latest software fix packs
      2. Monitoring system performance using DB2 snapshot
      3. Keeping database statistics and execution plans up to date through runstats/rebind
      4. Reorganizing tables through reorg
      5. Pruning log file
      6. Pruning diagnostics file
      7. Cleaning up the event log
    4. 8.4: SMS to DMS table space conversion
      1. Running db2look
      2. Exporting table data
      3. Creating new logical volumes
      4. Creating the DMS DDL
      5. Loading the data
    5. 8.5: Buffer pool tuning
      1. Buffer pool hit ratios
    6. 8.6: Parameter tuning
      1. Intra-partition parallelism (INTRA_PARALLEL)
      2. Maximum number of concurrently active databases (NUMDB)
      3. Maximum number of active applications (MAXAPPLS)
      4. Average number of active applications (AVG_APPLS)
      5. Maximum number of database manager agents (MAXAGENTS)
      6. Maximum number of client connections (MAX_CONNECTIONS)
      7. Maximum coordinating agents (MAX_COORDAGENTS)
      8. Initial number of agents in pool (NUM_INITAGENTS)
      9. Agent pool size (NUM_POOLAGENTS)
      10. Maximum number of fenced processes (FENCED_POOL)
      11. Keep fenced process (KEEPFENCED)
      12. Initial number of fenced processes (NUM_INITFENCED)
      13. Maximum database files open per application (MAXFILOP)
      14. Maximum total files open (MAXTOTFILOP)
      15. Database heap (DBHEAP)
      16. Catalog cache size (CATALOGCACHE_SZ)
      17. Package cache size (PCKCACHESZ)
      18. Log buffer size (LOGBUFSZ)
      19. Maximum storage for lock list (LOCKLIST)
      20. Application control heap size (APP_CTL_HEAP_SZ)
      21. Application heap size (APPLHEAPSZ)
      22. Sort heap size (SORTHEAP)
      23. Sort heap threshold (SHEAPTHRES)
      24. Statement heap size (STMTHEAP)
      25. Query heap size (QUERY_HEAP_SZ)
      26. Java interpreter heap size (JAVA_HEAP_SZ)
      27. Private memory threshold (PRIV_MEM_THRESH)
      28. Client I/O block size (RQRIOBLK)
      29. Application support layer heap size (ASLHEAPSZ)
      30. Changed pages threshold (CHNGPGS_THRESH)
      31. Number of asynchronous page cleaners (NUM_IOCLEANERS)
      32. Number of I/O servers (NUM_IOSERVERS)
      33. Maximum percent of lock list before escalation (MAXLOCKS)
      34. Lock timeout (LOCKTIMEOUT)
      35. Size of the log files (LOGFILSIZ)
      36. Number of primary log files (LOGPRIMARY)
      37. Number of secondary log files (LOGSECOND)
      38. Minimum commits before writing logs to disk (MINCOMMIT)
      39. Connection concentrator
  15. Chapter 9: Tuning WebSphere for Content Manager
    1. 9.1: Introduction
    2. 9.2: Hardware tuning
      1. Processor speed
      2. Disk speed
      3. System memory
      4. Networks
    3. 9.3: Operating system tuning
      1. TCP timed wait delay (TcpTimedWaitDelay)
      2. Maximum user ports (MaxUserPort)
      3. Number of open files permitted (ulimit)
      4. Duration of an active connection (TCP_KEEPIDLE)
    4. 9.4: Web server tuning
      1. Access logs
      2. Web server configuration refresh interval (RefreshInterval)
      3. HTTP server maximum clients (MaxClients)
      4. Minimum spare server processes (MinSpareServers)
      5. Maximum spare server processes (MaxSpareServers)
      6. Startup server processes (StartServers)
      7. Maximum requests per child (MaxRequestPerChild)
      8. Threads per child (ThreadsPerChild)
      9. Pending connections queue length (ListenBackLog)
    5. 9.5: WebSphere Application Server tuning
      1. Application server process priority
      2. Web container maximum thread size
      3. Thread allocation beyond maximum
      4. Max keep-alive connections (MaxKeepAliveConnections)
      5. Maximum requests for a connection (MaxKeepAliveRequests)
      6. URL invocation cache
      7. Security
    6. 9.6: Java virtual machines tuning
      1. Initial and maximum heap size for the JVM
  16. Chapter 10: Tuning TSM for Content Manager
    1. 10.1: Introduction
    2. 10.2: Automatic tuning of server options
      1. Self-tune buffer pool size (BUFPOOLSIZE)
  17. Part 4: Monitoring, troubleshooting, and maintenance
  18. Chapter 11: Performance monitoring, analysis, and tracing
    1. 11.1: Introduction
    2. 11.2: Measuring the baseline
    3. 11.3: Monitoring tools at operating system level
      1. Monitoring tools for AIX (1/2)
      2. Monitoring tools for AIX (2/2)
      3. Monitoring tools for Windows
    4. 11.4: Monitoring and analysis tools for DB2
      1. Basic DB2 monitoring, logging, and tracing interfaces (1/3)
      2. Basic DB2 monitoring, logging, and tracing interfaces (2/3)
      3. Basic DB2 monitoring, logging, and tracing interfaces (3/3)
      4. DB2 monitoring tools (1/4)
      5. DB2 monitoring tools (2/4)
      6. DB2 monitoring tools (3/4)
      7. DB2 monitoring tools (4/4)
      8. DB2 analysis tools (1/3)
      9. DB2 analysis tools (2/3)
      10. DB2 analysis tools (3/3)
    5. 11.5: Monitoring tools for WebSphere Application Server
      1. Tivoli Performance Viewer
      2. WebSphere JVM verbosegc
      3. Java Virtual Machine Profiler Interface
    6. 11.6: Performance tracing for Content Manager
      1. ICM connector performance tracing
      2. Library Server performance tracing
      3. Resource Manager performance tracing
  19. Chapter 12: Troubleshooting performance problems
    1. 12.1: Troubleshooting basics
    2. 12.2: Content Manager troubleshooting overview
    3. 12.3: Slow logon
      1. Typical log information for logon process
      2. DB2 UDB connection (1/2)
      3. DB2 UDB connection (2/2)
      4. Network/firewall issue
      5. LDAP/DNS server issue
    4. 12.4: Slow search
      1. SQL tuning
      2. Rewrite XQuery
      3. Maintain Content Manager database periodically
    5. 12.5: Slow import
    6. 12.6: Slow migrator
      1. Tivoli Storage Manager
      2. Tune the Resource Manager database
      3. Performance improvement in Content Manager V8.3
    7. 12.7: Slow administration in the sys admin client
      1. Tune database
      2. Apply fix pack
    8. 12.8: Common rules
      1. Avoiding the next performance crisis
      2. Using the default trace level
      3. Applying fix packs
      4. Information Integrator for Content API programming
    9. 12.9: Utilities to analyze log files
  20. Chapter 13: Case study
    1. 13.1: Document Manager overview
    2. 13.2: A search scenario
    3. 13.3: Enabling Library Server trace
    4. 13.4: Configuring Document Manager cache
      1. Cache Manager overview
      2. Cache Manager considerations and strategies
      3. Configuring Document Manager cache
  21. Chapter 14: Maintenance
    1. 14.1: Maintenance tasks overview
    2. 14.2: Optimizing server databases
    3. 14.3: Monitoring LBOSDATA directory size
    4. 14.4: Managing staging directory space
      1. Purger process
    5. 14.5: Removing entries from the events table
    6. 14.6: Removing log files
    7. 14.7: Managing Resource Manager utilities and services
      1. Configuration of Resource Manager utilities and services
      2. Configuring the Resource Manager services on UNIX
      3. Starting and stopping resource services on UNIX
      4. Asynchronous recovery utility
      5. Validation utilities overview
      6. Resource Manager/Library Server validation utility
      7. Resource Manager volume validation utility
    8. 14.8: Replacing or repartitioning a hard disk
      1. Replacing the staging volume for UNIX
      2. Replacing the storage volume for UNIX
      3. Replacing the staging volume for Windows
      4. Replacing the storage volume for Windows
    9. 14.9: Backup
      1. Backup for Content Manager Multiplatforms
    10. 14.10: Maintenance review
  22. Part 5: Appendixes
  23. Appendix A: Performance tuning guidelines for a Document Manager system
    1. Introduction
    2. Desktop templates
    4. Standard search templates
    5. Item type configuration
    6. Class configuration
    7. Power searches
    8. Service manager
    9. Action and dialogs
    10. General system considerations
  24. Appendix B: Additional material
    1. Locating the Web material
    2. Using the Web material
      1. System requirements for downloading the Web material
      2. How to use the Web material
  25. Related publications
    1. IBM Redbooks
    2. Other publications
    3. Online resources
    4. How to get IBM Redbooks
  26. Index (1/5)
  27. Index (2/5)
  28. Index (3/5)
  29. Index (4/5)
  30. Index (5/5)
  31. Back cover

Product information

  • Title: Performance Tuning for Content Manager
  • Author(s): Wei-Dong Zhu, Vijay Hubert Dominic, Stephen McNulty, Ludger Schaefers, Paul Walker, Zhenghong Yang
  • Release date: July 2006
  • Publisher(s): IBM Redbooks
  • ISBN: None