Chapter 2. Content Manager base products 29
Most of the parameters affect either the amount of system resources that will be
allocated to a single instance of the database manager, or the setup of the
database manager and the different communications subsystems based on
environmental considerations. In addition, there are other parameters that serve
informative purposes only and cannot be changed. All of these parameters have
global applicability independent of any single database stored under that
instance of the database manager.
Database configuration file
A database configuration file is created when a database is created, and resides
where that database resides. There is one configuration file per database. Its
parameters specify the amount of resource to be allocated to that database.
Values for many of the parameters can be changed to improve performance or
increase capacity. Different changes might be required, depending on the type of
activity in a specific database.
Parameters for an individual database are stored in a binary configuration file
named SQLDBCON. This file is stored along with other control files for the
database in the SQLnnnnn directory, where nnnnn is a number assigned when
the database was created. Each database has its own configuration file, and
most of the parameters in the file specify the amount of resources allocated to
that database. The file also contains descriptive information, as well as flags that
indicate the status of the database.
In a partitioned database environment, a separate SQLDBCON file exists for
each database partition. The values in the SQLDBCON file might be the same or
different at each database partition, but we recommend that the database
configuration parameter values be the same on all partitions.
As we mentioned earlier, for a Content Manager system, we do not recommend
partitioning databases.
2.1.2 DB2 architecture overview
The previous section provides a brief overview of some of the basic relational
database concepts. Now we examine the DB2 architecture and processes as
shown in Figure 2-4 on page 30. Each client application, local or remote, is linked
with the DB2 client library. Local clients communicate using shared memory and
semaphores. Remote clients communicate using communication protocols such
as TCP/IP, Named pipes, NetBIOS, or IPX/SPX. Activities on DB2 server are
controlled by threads in a single process on Windows, or processes on UNIX.
They are denoted with circles or elliptical shapes. Those processes with thick
borders can be launched with multiple instances. For example, there might be
one or more subagents, loggers, prefetchers and page cleaners running, but
30 Performance Tuning for Content Manager
there is only one coordinator agent assigned for each client application. In the
following section, we go over the key DB2 components and processes.
Figure 2-4 DB2 architecture and processes overview
DB2 agents (coordinator agent and subagents)
DB2 agents
are the DB2 processes that carry out the bulk of SQL processing
requests from applications. They include coordinator agents and subagents. DB2
assigns a
coordinator agent for each client application. This agent coordinates
the communication and processing for this application.
If intra-partition parallelism is disabled (this is the default), then the coordinator
agent performs all of the application’s requests. If intra-partition parallelism is
enabled, then DB2 assigns a set of
subagents to the application to process
requests from the application. If the machine where the DB2 server resides has
multiple processors, multiple subagents can also be assigned to an application.
Log buffer
Write log
Shared memory and semaphores,
TCPIP, Named pipes, NetBIOS,
Subagents Subagents
Async I/O
UDB Client Library
Page cleaners
Hard disksHard drive Hard disksHard disks
Parallel, big-block,
read requests
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