Chapter 8

Relationships and Money


check Managing financial considerations with roommates

check Understanding unique aspects of living together

check Maintaining financial harmony in a marriage

check Understanding your relationship with money

You may plan on getting married someday. Before that day, you’ll likely live with other people. Perhaps you’ll simply have roommates, or you may choose to live with a significant other.

When you live with others, you may share household expenses and other matters. In this chapter, I discuss how best to handle the financial side of these situations.

Handling Roommates

As I discuss in Chapter 5, sharing the rent with roommates is a time-tested way of containing your housing costs when you’re young, single, and need housing. However, having roommates doesn’t mean you’re free of problems. In fact, how you handle living with roommates can potentially have significant effects on your own personal finances.

Tip If you’re going to share a rental with roommates, ...

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