Book description
Your one-stop Photoshop reference, filled with the latest tips and techniques
There’s a reason why Photoshop is the industry standard for image-editing software. But it’s also that big, Photoshop has so many facets and features that a handy one-stop guide is exactly what you need. And you’ll love the “Putting It Together” exercises that give you hands-on experience – in rich, full color!
Learn the parts — the desktop, menus, panels, and key tools, and how to use Adobe Bridge
Make your selection — learn about each of the selection tools plus the powerful Pen tool and Paths panel
Brush up — on the Brush and Pencil tools and how to create vector shapes, create and edit type, and put type on a path
Restore and retouch — correct and enhance color, improve contrast, and use the Clone Stamp and Healing tools to fix flaws and damage
Print it — learn how to get the right resolution, image mode, and file format, and prepare your work for printing
Open the book and find:
How to crop images and increase their canvas size
Tips for creating gradients and patterns
Advice on resizing images
How to composite images with layers and blending modes
Filter techniques to correct or alter images
How the Vanishing Point feature makes editing easier
Steps for making adjustments with levels and curves
How to create contact sheets
Table of contents
- Copyright
- About the Author
- Author's Acknowledgments
- Publisher's Acknowledgments
- Introduction
I. Photoshop Fundamentals
1. Examining the Photoshop Environment
- 1.1. Launching Photoshop and Customizing the Desktop
- 1.2. Playing with Panels
1.3. Working with Your First Photoshop File
- 1.3.1. Opening, printing, and saving files
- 1.3.2. Making selections
- 1.3.3. Making simple image edits
- 1.3.4. Adjusting size, color, and contrast
- 1.3.5. Creating layers
- 1.3.6. Applying filters
- 1.3.7. Unifying with the new Application bar
- 1.3.8. Simplifying your edits with the Options bar
- 1.3.9. Viewing and navigating the image
- 1.3.10. Introducing Adobe ConnectNow
2. Getting to Know the Tools Panel
- 2.1. Turning On the Tools Panel
2.2. Introducing the Photoshop Tools
- 2.2.1. Using selection tools
- 2.2.2. Creating and modifying paths
- 2.2.3. Using painting tools
- 2.2.4. Using tools for cloning and healing
- 2.2.5. Creating effects with typographical tools
- 2.2.6. Using focus and toning tools
- 2.2.7. Creating shapes
- 2.2.8. Viewing, navigating, sampling, and annotating tools
- 2.2.9. Using tools for the Web
- 2.3. Saving Time with Tool Presets
- 3. Starting, Finishing, and Getting It on Paper
4. Viewing and Navigating Images
- 4.1. Looking at the Image Window
- 4.2. Zooming In and Out of Image Windows
- 4.3. Cruising with the Navigator Panel
- 4.4. Choosing a Screen Mode
- 4.5. Getting Precise Layout Results
- 4.6. Measuring On-Screen
- 4.7. Using the Info Panel
- 4.8. Working with Extras
- 4.9. Managing Images with Adobe Bridge
- 4.10. Creating PDF Presentations
- 4.11. Creating a Web Gallery
5. Customizing Your Workspace and Preferences
- 5.1. Creating Workspace Presets
- 5.2. Saving and Deleting Workspace Presets
- 5.3. Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts
- 5.4. Customizing Menus
5.5. Setting Your Preferences
- 5.5.1. Setting general preferences
- 5.5.2. Customizing the interface
- 5.5.3. Deciding how you want files handled
- 5.5.4. Handling performance options
- 5.5.5. Adjusting your cursors
- 5.5.6. Adjusting transparency and gamut
- 5.5.7. Setting measurement preferences
- 5.5.8. Setting up guides, grids, and slices
- 5.5.9. Adding plug-ins
- 5.5.10. Specifying type options
- 5.6. Using the Preset Manager
1. Examining the Photoshop Environment
II. Image Essentials
- 1. Specifying Size and Resolution
2. Choosing Color Modes and File Formats
- 2.1. Selecting a Color Mode
- 2.2. Converting to a Different Color Mode
- 2.3. Choosing the Right File Format
- 3. Using and Managing Color
- 4. Time Travel — Undoing in Photoshop
- 5. Creating Actions for Productivity and Fun
III. Selections
- 1. Making Selections
- 2. Creating and Working with Paths
- 3. Modifying and Transforming Selections and Paths
IV. Painting, Drawing, and Typing
- 1. Painting and Drawing with Photoshop
- 2. Filling and Stroking
3. Creating and Editing Type
- 3.1. Selecting a Type Mode
- 3.2. Understanding Different Kinds of Type
- 3.3. Exploring the Type Tools
- 3.4. Entering Text in Point Type Mode
- 3.5. Entering Text in Paragraph Type Mode
- 3.6. Creating Type on or in a Path
- 3.7. Using the Options Bar
- 3.8. Working with the Character Panel
- 3.9. Working with the Paragraph Panel
- 3.10. Editing Text
- 3.11. Masking, Shaping, and Warping Type
V. Working with Layers
- 1. Creating Layers
- 2. Managing Layers
- 3. Playing with Opacity and Blend Modes
4. Getting Jazzy with Layer Styles and Clipping Groups
- 4.1. Layer Styles Basics
- 4.2. Introducing the Many Layer Styles
- 4.3. Applying a Layer Effect
- 4.4. Managing and Editing Layer Styles
- 4.5. Editing Bevel and Emboss Effects
- 4.6. Editing Satin Effects
- 4.7. Changing Overlay Effects
- 4.8. Changing Stroke Effects
- 4.9. Playing with Contours
- 4.10. Applying and Modifying Preset Styles
- 4.11. Clipping Layers into Masks
- 5. Working with Smart Objects
VI. Channels and Masks
1. Using Channels
- 1.1. Understanding Channels
- 1.2. Working with Channels
- 1.3. Using Painting and Editing Tools with Channels
- 1.4. Introducing Alpha Channels
- 1.5. Using the Channel Mixer
- 2. Quick-and-Dirty Masking
- 3. Getting Exact with Advanced Masking Techniques
1. Using Channels
VII. Filters and Distortions
- 1. Making Corrections with Daily Filters
2. Applying Filters for Special Occasions
- 2.1. Working in the Filter Gallery
- 2.2. Getting Artsy
- 2.3. Stroking Your Image with Filters
- 2.4. Distorting for Fun
- 2.5. Pumping Up the Noise
- 2.6. Pumping Down the Noise
- 2.7. Breaking Your Image into Pieces
- 2.8. Rendering
- 2.9. Getting Organic with the Sketch Filters
- 2.10. Adding Texture
- 2.11. Looking at the Other Filters
- 3. Distorting with the Liquify Command
VIII. Retouching and Restoration
1. Enhancing Images with Adjustments
- 1.1. Introducing the Histogram Panel
- 1.2. Choosing Automatic Color Correctors
- 1.3. Setting Auto Color Correction Options
- 1.4. Using Simple Color Correctors
- 1.5. Fixing Lighting with Shadow/Highlight
- 1.6. Adjusting Exposure
- 1.7. Correcting Colorcast with Variations
- 1.8. Washing Out Color with Desaturate
- 1.9. Working with Professional Color Correctors
- 1.10. Matching Color between Documents
- 1.11. Switching Colors with Replace Color
- 1.12. Increasing and Decreasing Color
- 2. Repairing with Focus and Toning Tools
- 3. Fixing Flaws and Removing What's Not Wanted
1. Enhancing Images with Adjustments
IX. Photoshop and Print
- 1. Prepping Graphics for Print
- 2. Using Photomerge and Merge to HDR
Bonus Chapter 1. Prepping Web Graphics
- BC1.1. Understanding Basic Web Optimization
- BC1.2. Choosing the Right File Format
- BC1.3. Using a Web-Safe Panel and Hexadecimal Colors
- BC1.4. Keeping Color Consistent in Web Images
- BC1.5. Making Type Look Good On-Screen
- BC1.6. Optimizing Images with Save for Web & Devices
- Bonus Chapter 1. Slicing Web Images
- Bonus Chapter 3. Other Sources of Information
Product information
- Title: Photoshop® CS4 All-in-One For Dummies®
- Author(s):
- Release date: December 2008
- Publisher(s): For Dummies
- ISBN: 9780470327265
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