Chapter 12. Working with Vector Shapes


Vector shapes defined

Using vector shape tools

Editing vector shape layers

Using vector shape presets

Creating new custom shapes

Creating new shape presets

Photoshop's vector shape tools provide users with a straightforward means of creating simple shapes, symbols, and illustrative elements for their images. Vector shape elements can be stored, manipulated, and ultimately rasterized into the image itself. Their uses are wide-ranging and include tasks such as enhancing business graphics for a presentation, improving diagrams with symbols or legends, annotations for maps and directions, and of course more creative pursuits such as merging real world imagery with graphic design elements.

This chapter covers the core skills needed to create, manipulate, store, and re-use a variety of pre-built and custom vector shapes. While Photoshop's vector shapes will never be a substitute for a true digital illustration environment like Adobe Illustrator, they can be very useful in a variety of creative workflows; it would be foolish to dismiss them out of hand.

As with the Pen tools and vector path creation, the best way to integrate vector shapes into your workflow is to experiment with them firsthand as you're reading this chapter. Don't just stick to the book examples; try some new shapes and ideas of your own and see what kind of results you get.

Ultimately, vector shapes are a simple concept to grasp and master, so once you understand what ...

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