Chapter 1

Quick Image Makeovers

In This Chapter

arrow Using one-step auto-fixes

arrow Editing in Quick mode

arrow Cloning realistically

arrow Healing wrinkles, spots, and blemishes

arrow Fixing small flaws

One of Elements’ strongest assets is its ability to fix images quickly, painlessly, and effectively. When you work with digital imaging, cloning an image with a shadow, adjusting the color or contrast of a photo, or eliminating flaws from that otherwise perfect portrait are all fixes that you can do successfully, whatever your skill level. With these simple image-makeover tools, Elements makes these tasks as easy to perform as clicking a button or making a few swipes with a brush.

remember.eps But before you dive into this chapter of fixer-uppers, be sure to size, crop, and straighten your image to its final desired dimensions and resolution. To find out how, check out Book III, Chapter 2.

Applying One-Step Auto-fixes

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