Chapter 17
Integrating the Electrical Elements
Placing electrical equipment in the right spots
Reviewing some wiring basics
Examining the two components of grounding
Connecting to the grid
After you analyze your client’s site, specify the equipment needed for either a grid-direct or battery-based system, size all the components, and assemble the mechanical parts (as I explain in Chapter 16), you need to install the electrical elements of the system safely and according to National Electrical Code® (NEC®) requirements. To do so, you have to know Code references as they pertain to PV systems specifically and electrical systems generally.
The electrical portion of PV installations tends to be highly scrutinized by inspectors and Code officials (such as plan reviewers in the building department) reviewing projects. In addition, many inspectors have now seen enough PV systems to know what to look for and can identify problem spots (see Chapter 18 for the full scoop on the inspection process).
In this chapter, I dive into some Code-related topics to know during your installations. ...
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