

  1. Abstract Factory pattern

  2. add() method

  3. addClean() method

  4. addDirty() method

  5. addNew() method

  6. addTest() method

  7. addToMap() method

  8. addUnit() method

  9. addUser() method

  10. anonymous classes

  11. Ant

  12. ApplicationRegistry::instance() method


  1. BinaryCloud

  2. bombardStrength() method

  3. BooleanAndExpression

  4. Bugzilla

  5. Build document composing

    1. build.xml

    2. copy task

      1. overwrite attribute

      2. tofile attribute

    3. delete task

    4. echo task, msg attribute

    5. fileset data type

      1. excludes attribute

      2. fileset element attribute

      3. filterchain element

      4. includes attribute

      5. patternset element

    6. input task

    7. phing command

    8. project element

    9. property element

      1. additional attribute

      2. condition task

      3. dbname

      4. dbpass

      5. -D flag

      6. ${env.DBPASS}

      7. if attribute

      8. name

      9. override attribute

      10. propertyfile option

      11. target element attribute

      12. unless attribute

      13. value

    10. targets

      1. default attribute

      2. description ...

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