List of Abbreviations
AI/O | Analog input/output |
ALARP | As low as reasonably practicable |
ATEX | Atmosphere explosibles’ |
BMS | Burner management system (boiler) |
BPCS | Basic plant control system |
C&I | Control and instrumentation (engineering) |
Table Continued |
CCF | Common cause failure |
CFSE | Certified functional safety experts |
DART | Dynamic arc recognition & termination (fieldbus) |
DCS | Distributed control system |
DI/O | Digital input/output |
DNV | Det Norske Veritas (Norway) |
EAC | Electrical area classification |
EC | Examination certificate |
E/E/PE | Electrical/electronics/programmable electronics |
E&I | Electrical and instrumentation |
EHSR | Essential health and safety requirements |
EMI | Electromagnetic interference |
EPL ... |
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