Chapter 7

So What Are You Waiting For? Record, Already!


Bullet Setting your levels and parameters

Bullet Focusing on volume and projection

Bullet Capturing ambient sound

Bullet Pacing and clock management

Bullet Going off on tangents

Bullet Recording

Okay, you’ve most likely gone through the hardware and software gadgets from Chapters 2, 3, and 4. In this chapter, we make the bold assumption that you’ve made your purchasing selections, hooked up all the hardware according to the supplied documentation (you did read the documentation, right?), chosen your software, and gotten everything ready to record. This is it! You have a microphone pointing in the direction of your mouth, eagerly waiting for you to begin podcasting.

Okay then. What’s stopping you?

Perhaps you have no clue how you sound on your recording equipment, or perhaps you’re still trying to understand why your smooth and sultry voice sounds like ...

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