Let us say that a colleague asks for the monthly minimum temperature data for San Francisco during the summer months as a single raster file. This entails restricting our PRISM rasters to June, July, and August, clipping each monthly raster to San Francisco's boundaries, creating one raster with each monthly raster as a band, and then outputting the combined raster to a portable raster format. We will convert the combined raster to the GeoTIFF format:
WITH months AS ( -- extract monthly rasters clipped to San Francisco SELECT prism.month_year, ST_Union(ST_Clip(prism.rast, 2, ST_Transform(sf.geom, 4269), TRUE)) AS rast FROM chp05.prism JOIN chp05.sfpoly sf ON ST_Intersects(prism.rast, ST_Transform(sf.geom, 4269)) WHERE prism.month_year ...