Cable(s), 824–828, 826t
glands, 832
installation points, 829
termination points, 829
Cantilever pumps, See Vertical centrifugal pump
Capacitance type level transmitters, 286
Capacitive coupling, 817
Capacitive type sensors, 236
Carbon, 147
Carbon steel (CS), 63, 787
Carnot theorem, 5
Carrier ring type orifice plates, 264, 265f
Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detect (CSMA/CD), 453
Cascade drain, 781
Casing expansion (CS), 102, 305–307
Casing vibration, 321
Cation exchanger resins, 127–128
Cation-anion-cation stacked bed exchanger, 98
Cations, 122
Caustic corrosion, 61
Cavitation, 391–392
Centrifugal pump, 728
Ceramics, 147
Charge amplifier, 317f
Charles law, 2
Check valves, See Nonreturn valve
Chemical dosing system, 40, 43
Chemiluminescence type analysis system, ...

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