Power System SCADA and Smart Grids

Book description

Power System SCADA and Smart Grids brings together in one concise volume the fundamentals and possible application functions of power system supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA). The text begins by providing an overview of SCADA systems, evolution, and use in power systems and the data acquisition process. It then describes the components of SCADA systems, from the legacy remote terminal units (RTUs) to the latest intelligent electronic devices (IEDs), data concentrators, and master stations, as well as:

  • Examines the building and practical implementation of different SCADA systems
  • Offers a comprehensive discussion of the data communication, protocols, and media usage
  • Covers substation automation (SA), which forms the basis for transmission, distribution, and customer automation
  • Addresses distribution automation and distribution management systems (DA/DMS) and energy management systems (EMS) for transmission control centers
  • Discusses smart distribution, smart transmission, and smart grid solutions such as smart homes with home energy management systems (HEMs), plugged hybrid electric vehicles, and more

Power System SCADA and Smart Grids is designed to assist electrical engineering students, researchers, and practitioners alike in acquiring a solid understanding of SCADA systems and application functions in generation, transmission, and distribution systems, which are evolving day by day, to help them adapt to new challenges effortlessly. The book reveals the inner secrets of SCADA systems, unveils the potential of the smart grid, and inspires more minds to get involved in the development process.

Table of contents

  1. Front Cover (1/2)
  2. Front Cover (2/2)
  3. Contents (1/3)
  4. Contents (2/3)
  5. Contents (3/3)
  6. Preface
  7. The authors
  8. chapter 1: Power system automation (1/4)
  9. chapter 1: Power system automation (2/4)
  10. chapter 1: Power system automation (3/4)
  11. chapter 1: Power system automation (4/4)
  12. chapter 2: SCADA fundamentals (1/11)
  13. chapter 2: SCADA fundamentals (2/11)
  14. chapter 2: SCADA fundamentals (3/11)
  15. chapter 2: SCADA fundamentals (4/11)
  16. chapter 2: SCADA fundamentals (5/11)
  17. chapter 2: SCADA fundamentals (6/11)
  18. chapter 2: SCADA fundamentals (7/11)
  19. chapter 2: SCADA fundamentals (8/11)
  20. chapter 2: SCADA fundamentals (9/11)
  21. chapter 2: SCADA fundamentals (10/11)
  22. chapter 2: SCADA fundamentals (11/11)
  23. chapter 3: SCADA communication (1/12)
  24. chapter 3: SCADA communication (2/12)
  25. chapter 3: SCADA communication (3/12)
  26. chapter 3: SCADA communication (4/12)
  27. chapter 3: SCADA communication (5/12)
  28. chapter 3: SCADA communication (6/12)
  29. chapter 3: SCADA communication (7/12)
  30. chapter 3: SCADA communication (8/12)
  31. chapter 3: SCADA communication (9/12)
  32. chapter 3: SCADA communication (10/12)
  33. chapter 3: SCADA communication (11/12)
  34. chapter 3: SCADA communication (12/12)
  35. chapter 4: Substation automation (SA) (1/9)
  36. chapter 4: Substation automation (SA) (2/9)
  37. chapter 4: Substation automation (SA) (3/9)
  38. chapter 4: Substation automation (SA) (4/9)
  39. chapter 4: Substation automation (SA) (5/9)
  40. chapter 4: Substation automation (SA) (6/9)
  41. chapter 4: Substation automation (SA) (7/9)
  42. chapter 4: Substation automation (SA) (8/9)
  43. chapter 4: Substation automation (SA) (9/9)
  44. chapter 5: Energy management systems (EMS) for control centers (1/8)
  45. chapter 5: Energy management systems (EMS) for control centers (2/8)
  46. chapter 5: Energy management systems (EMS) for control centers (3/8)
  47. chapter 5: Energy management systems (EMS) for control centers (4/8)
  48. chapter 5: Energy management systems (EMS) for control centers (5/8)
  49. chapter 5: Energy management systems (EMS) for control centers (6/8)
  50. chapter 5: Energy management systems (EMS) for control centers (7/8)
  51. chapter 5: Energy management systems (EMS) for control centers (8/8)
  52. chapter 6: Distribution automation and distribution management (DA/DMS) systems (1/8)
  53. chapter 6: Distribution automation and distribution management (DA/DMS) systems (2/8)
  54. chapter 6: Distribution automation and distribution management (DA/DMS) systems (3/8)
  55. chapter 6: Distribution automation and distribution management (DA/DMS) systems (4/8)
  56. chapter 6: Distribution automation and distribution management (DA/DMS) systems (5/8)
  57. chapter 6: Distribution automation and distribution management (DA/DMS) systems (6/8)
  58. chapter 6: Distribution automation and distribution management (DA/DMS) systems (7/8)
  59. chapter 6: Distribution automation and distribution management (DA/DMS) systems (8/8)
  60. chapter 7: Smart grid concepts (1/10)
  61. chapter 7: Smart grid concepts (2/10)
  62. chapter 7: Smart grid concepts (3/10)
  63. chapter 7: Smart grid concepts (4/10)
  64. chapter 7: Smart grid concepts (5/10)
  65. chapter 7: Smart grid concepts (6/10)
  66. chapter 7: Smart grid concepts (7/10)
  67. chapter 7: Smart grid concepts (8/10)
  68. chapter 7: Smart grid concepts (9/10)
  69. chapter 7: Smart grid concepts (10/10)
  70. Glossary (1/2)
  71. Glossary (2/2)
  72. Back Cover

Product information

  • Title: Power System SCADA and Smart Grids
  • Author(s): Mini S. Thomas, John Douglas McDonald
  • Release date: April 2015
  • Publisher(s): CRC Press
  • ISBN: 9781482226751