© The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022
V. SukhijaPowerShell Fast Track https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-7759-1_8

8. Reporting

Vikas Sukhija1  
Waterloo, ON, Canada

Reports are an important aspect of day-to-day system administration. Sometimes we present reports to our managers and other times we utilize them to evaluate and improve our own work.

Reports can be in the form of CSV, HTML, Excel, and more. The most common form is a CSV report because it’s universal and can be converted to other forms like Excel easily from the application itself.

CSV Report

Export-CSV is the built-in PowerShell cmdlet that can be used to export the data to a CSV file. You can simply pipe select and then export ...

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